
pc-repair-largeComputer Repair/Service

  • Our service is straight forward with no hidden costs or up-charges
    • $35 diagnostic (this is applied to your service when you proceed with the repair)
    • $89 for service that takes 1 hour or less
    • $159 flat rate for anything that takes more than an hour
  • Residential/Commercial
  • On Site, Pickup, or In Store
  • Microsoft Windows or Apple Mac


  • Our PRO’s comes from variety of different backgrounds that make them equipped to provide your business with the insights needed to succeed.  Chances are, if you are encountering a struggle then we’ve seen it before.  Our PRO’s can work with you to provide IT management guidance, audits, and general helpdesk functions.


  • Tutoring  – all of our PRO’s are equipped to help you learn your computer.  We pride ourselves in teaching users how to prevent recurring issues so we don’t have to come back to fix the same problems.  If you’d like to learn something about your computer just ask.  We’re happy to help.
  • Guest Lecture – We believe in supporting our community.  Subject to availability, we are able to present for businesses, organizations and at events for NO CHARGE.  Our primary area of expertise is technology use and security awareness but we are flexible to speaking about any technology subject with adequate notice.  If you have an event or organization that needs a speaker give us a call.